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crashbayes contains training materials for a short (~ 3h), practical course in Bayesian Regression Modelling.

You can browse the materials on line at, even without installing the package.

Installing crashbayes automatically triggers the installation of all the R-packages used in the training, all the examples and code used during the course in the form of a vignette, and all the example datasets and helper functions, with proper documentation and help pages.


In GNU/Linux or MacOS, you need a few system libraries and tools used by some of the R-packages required by crashbayes. Specifically, curl, xml2, openssl, fontconfig and cmake. The packaging depends on the system. E.g.

deb: libcurl4-openssl-dev libxml2-dev libssl-dev libfontconfig1-dev cmake
rpm: libcurl-devel libxml2-devel openssl-devel fontconfig-devel cmake
brew: openssl freetype cmake

You can install the development version of crashbayes like so:

install.packages('crashbayes', repos = c('', ''))


Load the package and open the main vignette


To follow the code along (without needing to copy-and-paste), open the source code of the main vignette

file.edit(system.file('doc/crashbayes.R', package = "crashbayes"))

or browse the code on line.