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Provide a sf object with a POINT at each record corresponding to a trap location, specifying which variables contain the required information. Or define a set of traps without spatial coordinates. Or, extract the trap data used in a sit object.


sit_traps(x, ...)

# S3 method for sf
  id = "id",
  type = "type",
  area = "area",
  trap_types = sit_trap_types(),

# S3 method for character
sit_traps(x, type, area, trap_types = sit_trap_types(), ...)

# S3 method for numeric
sit_traps(x, ...)

# S3 method for sit_traps

# S3 method for sit
  type = sit_trap_types(x)$label,
  stage = unique(sit_trap_types(x)$stage),
  area = unique(x$traps$area),



Object of class sf with POINT elements to be imported, or a character-coerced vector trap codes to be defined, or an object of class sit to extract trap information from.


Used to pass arguments to specific method.


Character. Variable name with a custom code for the trap. Jointly with type, identifies the trap uniquely.


Character. Variable name with valid values of trap types (i.e., any of trap_types$label). For the extraction method, a character vector of trap types to filter upon.


Character. Variable name with values either control or sit. For the extraction method, a character vector of areas to filter upon.


Optional character. Variable name with custom text associated to the traps.


Table of trap types, created with sit_trap_types().


Character vector of stages (i.e., adult or egg) to filter upon extraction.


A object of class sit_traps which can be used in sit().

Methods (by class)

  • sf: Imports spatialised trap data

  • character: Imports non-spatialised trap data

  • numeric: Imports non-spatialised trap data

  • sit_traps: Combine traps.

  • sit: Extracts trap data

See also


## Build spatialised traps from a `sf` object
traps_sf <- sf::st_as_sf(
    x = 1:3,
    y = 3:1,
    "Trap.Id" = letters[1:3],
    Type = "BGS",
    area = "sit"
  coords = c("x", "y")
sit_traps(traps_sf, id = "Trap.Id", type = "Type", area = "area")
#> Simple feature collection with 3 features and 8 fields
#> Geometry type: POINT
#> Dimension:     XY
#> Bounding box:  xmin: 1 ymin: 1 xmax: 3 ymax: 3
#> CRS:           NA
#>   id code area label   type_name type_label type_stage type_description
#> 1  1    a  sit    NA BG-Sentinel        BGS      adult               NA
#> 2  2    b  sit    NA BG-Sentinel        BGS      adult               NA
#> 3  3    c  sit    NA BG-Sentinel        BGS      adult               NA
#>      geometry
#> 1 POINT (1 3)
#> 2 POINT (2 2)
#> 3 POINT (3 1)

## Build non-spatialised traps from a vector of codes
sit_traps(paste0("C", 1:5), area = 'control', type = 'OVT')
#> Simple feature collection with 5 features and 8 fields (with 5 geometries empty)
#> Geometry type: POINT
#> Dimension:     XY
#> Bounding box:  xmin: NA ymin: NA xmax: NA ymax: NA
#> CRS:           NA
#>   id code    area label type_name type_label type_stage
#> 1  1   C1 control    NA   Ovitrap        OVT        egg
#> 2  2   C2 control    NA   Ovitrap        OVT        egg
#> 3  3   C3 control    NA   Ovitrap        OVT        egg
#> 4  4   C4 control    NA   Ovitrap        OVT        egg
#> 5  5   C5 control    NA   Ovitrap        OVT        egg
#>   type_description    geometry
#> 1               NA POINT EMPTY
#> 2               NA POINT EMPTY
#> 3               NA POINT EMPTY
#> 4               NA POINT EMPTY
#> 5               NA POINT EMPTY

## Retrieve traps in a `sit` object
## sit_traps(sit_prototype)