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Provide a sf object with a POINT at each record corresponding to a release point or a data.frame for a areal release, specifying which variables contain the required information. Or, extract the release events used in a sit object.


sit_revents(x, ...)

# S3 method for sf
sit_revents(x, date = "date", colour = "colour", n = "n", species = NULL, ...)

# S3 method for data.frame
sit_revents(x, date = "date", colour = "colour", n = "n", species = NULL, ...)

# S3 method for sit_revents

# S3 method for sit
sit_revents(x, type = c("point", "areal"), ...)



Object of class sf with POINT elements to be imported, or a data.frame with information about areal releases, or object of class sit to extract release events from.


Used to pass arguments to specific method.


Character string representing a date and optionally the time, in the RFC 3339 format (a variation of the ISO 8601 format), i.e., 2021-12-31 or 2019-11-23 15:00.


Character string. Colour of the release.


Numeric. Natural number. Number of individuals released.


Optional character. Released species.


Character vector. Which types of release events to retrieve. Either point or areal or both (default).


A object of class sit_revents which can be used in sit(). sit_revents objects can be concatenated together with c(), in order to import a mixture of point and areal releases into a sit object. See examples.

Methods (by class)

  • sf: Imports point release data.

  • data.frame: Imports areal release data.

  • sit_revents: Concatenate release events.

  • sit: Extracts release events.

See also


point_releases <- sit_revents(
      x = 1:3,
      y = 3:1,
      date = c("2019-11-25", "2019-12-01", "2019-12-13"),
      colour = c("yellow", "red", "blue"),
      n = 1e4
    coords = c("x", "y")

areal_release <- sit_revents(
    x = 1, y = 1,
    date = "2019-12-21",
    colour = "pink",
    n = 1e4

(c(point_releases, areal_release)) # also a `sit_revent` object
#>   id  type site_id       date colour     n    geometry
#> 1  1 point       1 2019-11-25 yellow 10000 POINT (1 3)
#> 2  2 point       2 2019-12-01    red 10000 POINT (2 2)
#> 3  3 point       3 2019-12-13   blue 10000 POINT (3 1)
#> 4  4 areal       4 2019-12-21   pink 10000 POINT EMPTY