Facundo Muñoz
January 04, 2023
Analysis of Sterile-Insect Technique (SIT) Mark-Release-Recapture (MRR) and pilot population-suppression trial data from Indonesia.
Main objective:
: Original data files, as they were received.
I don’t touch them at all. I may even set read-only permissions on them. I typically track versions (even if sometimes they are binary files) for reproducibility.
: Supporting documents, papers, etc. that are not produced by me, but are useful or needed for reference.
Binary documents in PDF or doc(x) formats are untracked (edit doc/.gitignore
as needed). However there is a Notes.md
for keeping a project log and a Makefile
to compile the notes to PDF format.
: Dissemination material in HTML format (reports, slides). Everything here will be published automatically on line by GitLab Pages.
: Source code for everything. Functions, figures, reports, analyses.
The .Rmd
files produce RMarkdown reports (compiled into public/
Helper functions are in functions.R
. The rest are ancilliary files. Write macros into before_body.tex
and specific packages into preamble.tex
. Include bibliographic references in BibTeX format into the .bib
file. You can change the bibliographic style in the .csl
file by whatever style you prefer.
specifies which files are not to be tracked.
configures GitLab’s continuous integration in order to produce GitLab Pages based from README.md
and files within public/
is the current file. It will become the index page of the GitLab Pages website, and can include links to compiled reports for dissemination.
is the main file of the project. It consists of a list of targets that need to be computed using functions and code therein. These targets are R objects than can be referred to from within the Rmd
files to produce the reports.
Some of the targets load or clean up the data sets producing intermediate objects that are used by others in turn, others make figures and others are meant to compile the reports themselves.