## Loading required package: sf
## Linking to GEOS 3.10.2, GDAL 3.4.1, PROJ 8.2.1; sf_use_s2() is TRUE
## Loading required package: terra
## terra 1.7.65
## Loading required package: mapMCDA


The mapMCDA package facilitates the weighting of several risk factors to produce an epidemiological risk map.

However, a user’s expertise can be crucial to the interpretation of each risk factor. This is expressed at three levels within mapMCDA:

  1. Choice of relevant risk factors.

  2. For each factor, setting a common risk scale (e.g. between 0 and 100).

  3. Two-way assessment of the relative importance of the risk factors.

Next, we use the maps provided by the package to produce an example risk map. This map has no epidemiological value.

1. Risk factors

The function mapMCDA_datasets() is used to load into memory all the maps available within the package.

The cmr object is a simple list of maps: objects of type sf for vectorial for vector maps and of type SpatRaster for raster maps.

To use other maps, use the functions sf::st_read and terra::rast() for vector and raster maps respectively.

You can also use the load_layer() function to load any type of maps automatically, as demonstrated in the commented code.

cmr <- mapMCDA_datasets()

# layers <- list.files(
#   system.file("cartography/CMR", package = "mapMCDA"),
#   full.names = TRUE
# )
# cmr <- lapply(layers, load_layer)
# names(cmr) <- rmext(basename(layers)))

One of these maps is that of the epidemiological units, used to establish the working framework.

epi_units <- cmr$cmr_admin3
par(mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
Epidemiological units example for Cameroon.

Epidemiological units example for Cameroon.

2. Scaling

Each risk factor varies on its own scale. Animal density, for example, varies between 0 and almost 5500 heads per \(km^2\).

For vector maps, which show the location of spatial features such as lakes or forests, we consider the distance to these entities.

This package currently uses a linear function for scaling. However, the relationship can be direct or inverse.

  data.frame(x = c(0, 100), y = c(0, 100)),
  type = 'l',
  xaxs = "i",
  yaxs = "i",
  xaxt = "n",
  lab = c(1, 1, 7),
  xlab = c("Original scale"),
  ylab = c("Scale of risk")
abline(100, -1)
Direct or inverse scaling.

Direct or inverse scaling.

The risk_layer() function calculates the risk map associated in a factor with a given scale. The default value is between 0 and 100. To reverse the relationship, simply pass the limits in reverse order, e.g. c(100, 0).

Moreover, it uses the map of epidemiological units to establish risk calculation limits.

risks <- list(
  animal_density = risk_layer(
    boundaries = epi_units
  water_bodies = risk_layer(
    boundaries = epi_units,
    scale_target = c(100, 0)  # renversed scale
  parks = risk_layer(
    boundaries = epi_units,
    scale_target = c(100, 0)  # renversed scale


We would like to examine the risk maps calculated in this way. But to do this, they need to be aligned. In other words, they must have the same extents, resolutions and projections.

We can use the align_layers() function, which arranges all this for us. Note that this step is not necessary to continue, as this function is automatically executed if necessary.

aligned_risks <- align_layers(risks)
plot(terra::rast(aligned_risks), nc = 3, col = grDevices::hcl.colors(50))
Level of risk associated with each risk factor.

Level of risk associated with each risk factor.

3. Weighting of risk factors

There are three factors to consider. We need to compare their relative importance 2-by-2 on a scale of 1 to 9 and represent these relationships in a matrix which must have 1’s on its diagonal.

Note that symmetrical elements must be reciprocal.

colnames(M) <- rownames(M) <- names(risks)
knitr::kable(M, digits = 2)
animal_density water_bodies parks
animal_density 1.00 6.00 4
water_bodies 0.17 1.00 3
parks 0.25 0.33 1

In this example, we consider that animal density is 6 times more important than the distance to watering holes, and 4 times more important than the distance to parks. At the same time, the distance to water points is 3 times greater than the distance to parks.

The system calculates the weighting coefficients that are most consistent with these pairwise values, using the compute_weights() function.

Weighting of risk factors.

Weighting of risk factors.

4. Calculation of the risk map

The wlc() function (for weighted linear combination) combines all the risk factors risk factors using the weights calculated above, and produces a risk map covering the whole region.

combined_risk <- wlc(risks, w)
plot(combined_risk, col = hcl.colors(50))
Map of combined risks.

Map of combined risks.

Finally, a map can be produced for each epidemiological unit on a homogenized scale of risk.

risk_plot(epi_units, v = risk_unit(combined_risk, epi_units), n = 5)
Map of risk level per epidemiological unit.

Map of risk level per epidemiological unit.