Last updated:2022-02-10

Study design

Study design

Field experiment

  • Two sites (ravines) in Saint-Joseph municipality, southern Reunion Island

    • Langevin: control site

    • Payet: releases of sterile male mosquitoes (Ae. aegypti) coated with piriproxyfen, starting end of April 2021

    • Distance between Payet and Langevin site: 1,300 m

    • 12 CO2-baited BG traps, laying on the ground: 5 in Langevin, in Payet)

  • Results reported from 404 trapping sessions totaling 1,785 Ae. aegypti

  • Study period cut into 8 equal-length periods of 27.5 days (\(\simeq\) four weeks)

Number of trapping sessions by study period during a boosted SIT field experiment in La Reunion, Dec. 20 to July 21
Time periods (27.5 days) from 15 Dec. 20 to 21 Jul. 21
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Langevin 20 20 20 20 15 10 20 17
Payet 31 28 28 28 21 42 27 28
<span style='font-size:11pt;font-weight:normal !important;'>Design (A), apparent density distribution (B) and seasonal pattern (C) of Ae. aegypti in a boosted-SIT field experiment in La Reunion, Dec. 20-July 21</span>

Design (A), apparent density distribution (B) and seasonal pattern (C) of Ae. aegypti in a boosted-SIT field experiment in La Reunion, Dec. 20-July 21

Shaping the data and building the model

Shaping the data and building the model

Goal, challenges and strategy


  • assess the effect of boosted SIT on the standardized apparent density (SAD) of an Ae. aegypti population

    • H0: constant SAD after starting boosted SIT

    • H1: decreasing trend in SAD, related to boosted SIT


  • High variability in count data

  • two study sites (Payet and Langevin), with ecological differences

  • Boosted SIT only implemented in Payet, during a short time period (3 months)

  • Strong seasonal - as well as trap-to-trap, variations


  • Choice of the outcome: apparent density of Ae. aegypti, standardized with respect to time period to eliminate other time trend than boosted SIT effect

  • Choice of a model to assess the boosted SIT effect, while providing useful information on spatial variation sources: we used a spatial (mixed-effect) Poisson model (Moraga 2019, chap. 6)

Shaping the data and building the model

Standardization of apparent density


  • Eliminate other time trend than boosted SIT effect, to get simpler models with meaningful parameters


  • In each site \(s\) (Langevin or Payet), for each period \(i\) (1 to 8), the expected apparent density \(E_{s,i}\) was the average of trap-level apparent density

  • For each time period \(i\), \(E_{s,i}\) was divided by the expected density in Langevin \(E_{L,i}\) to get \(E_i\), the relative expected density. The average standardized apparent density (SAD) in Langevin, as well as in Payet before starting booster SIT (5th period), was a series of 1’s

  • Payet data included the boosted SIT effect for periods 6 to 8, which cases, we took as the density expectations in Payet, the expected density in Langevin, multiplied by the ratio of expected densities in Payet and Langevin when starting boosted SIT

<span style='font-size:11pt;font-weight:normal !important;'>Apparent density (A), and standardized apparent density (B) of _Ae. aegypti_ during a boosted-SIT field experiment in La Reunion, Dec. 20 - July 21</span>

Apparent density (A), and standardized apparent density (B) of Ae. aegypti during a boosted-SIT field experiment in La Reunion, Dec. 20 - July 21

Shaping the data and building the model

Spatio-temporal patterns

  • Between-trap differences, according to their location

  • Trap location did not change, and traps were close to each other: 58 m on average in Langevin (from 0 to 177 m), vs 92 m in Payet (0 to 177 m)

  • model should account for two sources of spatial variations

    • trap location (habitat suitability…)

    • trap proximity (flight range…)

  • To capture this correlation, site areas split into Voronoi polygons to compute neighborhood matrices used in the model

<span style='font-size:11pt;font-weight:normal !important;'>Spatio-temporal pattern of <emph>Ae. aegypti</emph> standardized apparent density  (SAD) during a boosted SIT field experiment in La Reunion Island,  Dec. 20 to July 21. Releases of sterile males started in April  21, and were limited to Payet site.</span>

Spatio-temporal pattern of Ae. aegypti standardized apparent density (SAD) during a boosted SIT field experiment in La Reunion Island, Dec. 20 to July 21. Releases of sterile males started in April 21, and were limited to Payet site.



Modelling framework

  • Bayesian modelling framework, with an integrated nested Laplace approximation (INLA) approach: Bayesian process approximated by analytical solutions, implemented in INLA (Rue et al. 2017)

  • For period \(i \in 1,..., I\\,\,\) (\(I=8\,\,\)), the response \(y_i\,\,\) is a length-\(J\,\,\) vector of standardized apparent densities (SAD), with J,,$ the number of traps in the design (\(J=12\,\,\)). The \(J\,\,\) components of \(y_i\,\,\) are \(a_{i,j} / E_i\), i.e., the apparent density divided by the expected density \(E_i\); i.e., the average density during period \(i\,\,\) for the \(J\,\,\) traps

  • We used a spatial Poisson model

\[y_i \sim \mathcal{P}(E_i \times m_i)\,\,\text{and}\,\, \log(m_i) = \eta_i = b \times x_i + u_j\]

  • \(m_i\,\,\) the expectation of \(y_i\), \(x_i\,\,\) the number of exposure months to boosted SIT:1, 2; or 3 for traps in Payet from periods 6 to 8, and 0 elsewhere (traps in Langevin at any period, and in Payet before the 6th period); \(b\,\,\) is the fixed-effect coefficient for \(x_i\)

  • \(u_j\,\,\) a \(J\)-length vector of random-effect coefficients (one per trap), representing the spatial variation around \(b\,\,\), with \(\sum_{j=1}^J u_j = 0\). We used a modified version of the Besag-York-Mollié model Riebler et al. (2016): \(u_j\,\,\) is split into (i) a spatially-structured component with a conditional auto-regressive (CAR) distribution, and (ii) a “white noise” component. A mixing parameter \(\Phi\) - ranging from 0 to 1, gives the CAR proportion in \(u_j\). Interpretable parameters and meaningful priors for their precision are provided by the modified version


Model comparisons and estimated boosted- SIT effect

  • Deviance information criterion (DIC) used to compare four assumptions about boosted SIT effect on SAD

    • a constant-slope model (presented above)

    • a constant-effect model: initial drop, then constant SAD

    • a three-slope model: one for each period

    • With Mixed-effect models, the estimation of population means must account for both fixed and random effects. Thus, for the one-slope model

\[ E(y_i) = m_i = \frac{1}{J} \left[ \sum_{j=1}^J \exp(b \times x_i + u_j) \right]\]

  • \(m_1\) is the survival at the end of period i. An estimate of duration n of boosted SIT to reach a target residual population is

\[n \geq \frac{log(\alpha)}{\log(m_1)}\]

  • Finally, we mapped the bym2 random effect and its two components to identify traps with outstanding effects



Model comparison and fitted values for the one-slope model

Comparison - based on the deviance information criterion (DIC) and estimated boosted SIT effect (SAD at one month after starting boosted SIT), of eight models of Ae. aegypti SAD (four settings of the boosted SIT effect, and two settings of the random effect (bym2 , and iid, with data collected during a field experiment in La Reunion Island, Dec. 20-July 21
Mean and 95% credible interval
Fixed effect Random effect DIC Delta DIC SAD (1 month) Low High Visualization
Constant decay BYM2 349.9 0.32 0.16 0.57
Constant decay IID 350.6 0.7 0.33 0.17 0.58
Constant effect BYM2 352.8 2.9 0.22 0.10 0.43
Constant effect IID 353.5 3.6 0.23 0.11 0.44
Eime-varying decay BYM2 375.4 25.5 0.35 0.16 0.69
Eime-varying decay IID 376.1 26.2 0.36 0.17 0.70
Constant SAD BYM2 377.9 28.0 0.41 0.20 0.71
Constant SAD IID 378.6 28.7 0.42 0.22 0.72
<span style='font-size:11pt;font-weight:normal !important;'>Fitted standardized apparent density (SAD) and 95% credible interval of an Ae. aegypti population during a boosted-SIT field experiment in La Reunion, Dec. 20 - July 21</span>

Fitted standardized apparent density (SAD) and 95% credible interval of an Ae. aegypti population during a boosted-SIT field experiment in La Reunion, Dec. 20 - July 21


Effect of boosted SIT

Fitted standardized apparent density (SAD) and 95% credible interval of an Ae. aegypti population during a boosted-SIT field experiment in La Reunion, Dec. 20 - July 21
95% credible interval
Boosted SIT exposure (months) Fitted SAD (%) Lower limit Upper limit Visualization
0 1.03 0.88 1.19
1 0.57 0.43 0.72
2 0.32 0.19 0.49
3 0.18 0.08 0.35
<span style='font-size:11pt;font-weight:normal !important;'>Expected duration of a boosted SIT program and 95% credible interval to reach a target reduction for an Ae. aegypti population during a field experiment in La Reunion, Dec. 20 - July 21</span>

Expected duration of a boosted SIT program and 95% credible interval to reach a target reduction for an Ae. aegypti population during a field experiment in La Reunion, Dec. 20 - July 21


Spatial effect of traps

<span style='font-size:11pt;font-weight:normal !important;'>Posterior distribution of spatial random effect and its white-noise and conditional auto-regressive components (CAR) in a spatial Poisson model of Ae. aegypti standardized appparent density during a boosted-SIT field experimentin La Reunion, Dec. 20 - July 21</span>

Posterior distribution of spatial random effect and its white-noise and conditional auto-regressive components (CAR) in a spatial Poisson model of Ae. aegypti standardized appparent density during a boosted-SIT field experimentin La Reunion, Dec. 20 - July 21

<span style='font-size:11pt;font-weight:normal !important;'>Posterior distribution of spatial random effect and its white-noise and conditional auto-regressive components (CAR) in a spatial Poisson model of Ae. aegypti standardized appparent density during a boosted-SIT field experimentin La Reunion, Dec. 20 - July 21</span>

Posterior distribution of spatial random effect and its white-noise and conditional auto-regressive components (CAR) in a spatial Poisson model of Ae. aegypti standardized appparent density during a boosted-SIT field experimentin La Reunion, Dec. 20 - July 21



Cited references

Besag, Julian, Jeremy York, and Annie Mollié. 1991. “Bayesian Image Restoration, with Two Applications in Spatial Statistics.” Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 43 (1): 1–20.

Moraga, Paula. 2019. Geospatial Health Data: Modeling and Visualization with r-INLA and Shiny. Chapman; Hall/CRC.

Riebler, Andrea, Sigrunn H Sørbye, Daniel Simpson, and Håvard Rue. 2016. “An Intuitive Bayesian Spatial Model for Disease Mapping That Accounts for Scaling.” Statistical Methods in Medical Research 25 (4): 1145–65.

Rue, Håvard, Andrea I. Riebler, Sigrunn H. Sørbye, Janine B. Illian, Daniel P. Simpson, and Finn K. Lindgren. 2017. “Bayesian Computing with INLA: A Review.” Annual Reviews of Statistics and Its Applications 4 (March): 395–421.